Webinar: how Otis transformed its skills and scheduling management in 3 months? September 27 at 11:30 am. Click here to register.

Use our skills management software to create a skills and professions repository and define your versatility objectives.

With Mercateam (skills management software), you can define your internal library of know-how and easily create your own repositories of skills, authorizations and qualifications.

You can set in stone the qualifications required for a position, enabling you to evaluate and enhance the skills of your employees, identify potential internal and external candidates for your vacant positions, and anticipate short-, medium- and long-term needs.

A skills and competencies repository can also be used to develop training and certification programs, and help you identify critical skills that pose a risk to your organization's long-term viability.
Create a competency and job repository and define your versatility objectives
Identify the key skills of your employees and build team loyalty

Identify the key skills of your employees and build team loyalty

Mercateam (skills management software) helps you better identify and organize your employees' skills, with a simple user interface that clearly identifies the authorizations available to each person.

Get a clear view of your employees' skill levels and abilities, and activate reminders if necessary. Manage your employees' skills and authorizations. You'll be able to generate reports showing which tasks can and cannot be carried out by each employee, and track their progress on approved projects and assignments.

Secure your competency and authorization matrices so that they are always up to date

Mercateam's skills management software is a comprehensive, high-performance tool that helps management teams make employee skills and authorizations matrices truly useful.

You can track and manage employee skills, certifications, roles and responsibilities, skills gaps, career development opportunities and more. Innovatively, you can set versatility and multi-skilling objectives for your teams. Of course, tracking performance against standards, by site or by division, will ensure that your organization has the right people in the right jobs at all times.

Reward and remunerate employees more fairly according to their skills and concrete actions in the field. Whether your organization is large or small, our solution will help you manage your employees' skills, authorizations and clearances.
Don't take any more risks with the expiration of skills and authorizations

Don't take any more risks with the expiration of skills and authorizations

Limit the risks of expiration of skills and authorizations.
Some contracts, skills, authorizations and training have a limited life span. It is therefore essential to have this information at the right time to anticipate any risk of loss of knowledge. Some operational procedures can change over time, so it's essential that all relevant employees have access to the latest version.

Our competency management tool will notify you of expiration months in advance and help you manage the expiration of your competencies so you can plan for re-credentialing or other training needs.

Use this competency management application to minimize your organization's risks. Clearly communicate procedures, track employee training and certification, and ensure that all employees have access to the most up-to-date policies and procedures.