Digitize your documents and work instructions per shift in the fieldmechanics

Digitize your documents and work instructions per shift in the field

Help your employees work faster and better by sending them the right work instructions. Create work instructions at the production station level to document the steps your employees need to take to complete their work.

Capture your entire production process and make it easily accessible. Create your work instructions by production station and reduce the time spent on paperwork. Simply drag and drop your stations, assign roles and add all relevant information in one step.

Shops typically have a production plan that shows the steps to follow for each site and each final product. This makes it easier to communicate tasks and responsibilities from one worker to the next. To make things even clearer, consider documenting your process, especially if you want to add employees or give work instructions to a new worker who is unfamiliar with your company's operations.

Start standardizing your know-how with artificial intelligence

No time to write your content? Mercateam does it for you.
With one click/search, Mercateam provides you with content that is relevant to your industry and allows you to take a first step towards standardization.

Standardization is an essential aspect of your expertise and the only way to ensure consistent quality. A standardized process is easier to repeat, allowing you to better tailor the product and increase capacity .
It also makes operations easier to replicate and document.

Standard work instructions are a proven method for reducing variation, increasing efficiency and improving quality. The first step is a detailed analysis of the current situation.

Starting a new employee with standard work and work instructions is essential to getting the best performance from each person. What happens if there is no standard job? Time is spent adjusting to the next task at hand through trial and error.
Start standardizing your know-how with artificial intelligence
Inspect and control operations in an efficient and compliant manner

Inspect and control operations in an efficient and compliant manner

We provide you with a reference.
Choose your standard, check availability and create your own work instructions. Add notes, keywords and documents to manage your workload more efficiently.

At a glance, know who is performing what tasks in your company, what equipment is needed, who needs what transportation, or what tools may be required for specific activities.

Then you can evaluate and audit the proper tracking of processes.

Secure and control your know-how

Occupational safety and health and work-related hazards are important. The station's standard and work instructions will help you reduce these risks.

Work instructions should be developed to provide information about the intended activities and the expected behavior of all employees responsible for those activities. This work instruction provides general guidance on how to develop work instructions.

A well-structured and consistent set of work instructions will help ensure that workers fully adhere to the code of conduct. It is also a good idea to inform your employees of their rights and responsibilities. This can help them make the right choices while on the job, even when they are surrounded by many distractions.