Offers adapted to your needs

Mercateam is a tool that has been co-constructed with our partners to best meet their needs.
Skill Starter
Skill Starter
Manage the skills
of your teams
Duration: between 2 and 8 weeks
Advanced search
Definition of objectives for skills development
Team management dashboard, notification of expiries (skills, authorizations, qualifications...)
Workforce planning / GPEC
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Skill trainer
Skill Trainer
Develop the skills of your teams with AI
Training management: launch, follow-up, learning and evaluation
Customized questionnaire library
Analysis of the results
Learning Content Library
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Skill Planner
Skill Planner
Increase the agility
of your teams
Automatic planning under constraints
Shift management
News feed and site information
Follow-up of multi-skilling on team positions
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Skill Master
Skill Master
Manage your teams
from A to Z
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additional module
Additional Module
To go even further in the management of your teams
Annual and professional evaluations
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Mercateam integrates with your HR, payroll, planning and training software

Our tool integrates with major market solutions at the customer's request. Stop double entry and send richer field data to your systems.

Please note that we are an operational tool that complements HR or technical solutions but we are not an HRIS.


Ask for your estimate for your organization

Our Mercateam digitalization experts will call you back right away!