The first annual assessment interviews based on skills

Your annual performance reviews finally make sense as they are connected to the reality of the field.

Our skill-based annual performance review management module helps you create more engaging and value-added annual and professional reviews with just a few clicks. As managers conduct their performance reviews, the competency matrix is automatically updated.

Do you want your employees to grow and improve? Mercateam's competency-based performance reviews allow you to set goals for the following year, track progress, and celebrate successes.
The first annual assessment interviews based on skills
Easily create templates and set your career development goals

Easily create templates and set your career development goals

Create your own models in a very simple way and adapt them to 100% of the processes!
Identify your professional development needs within your organization.
Set up a professional development plan during your interviews with your employees.

Track and analyze your annual review campaigns

Annual reviews help you develop and grow your people, so you are fully prepared for the future.

They provide feedback, development planning and the opportunity to share goals and discuss progress. You'll be encouraged to follow career paths that showcase your talents.

Annual reviews are indeed the most effective way to develop teams within your organization. They can also have other benefits, such as helping employees prepare for leadership positions.
Track and analyze your annual review campaigns
Get your talent management off the ground

Getyour talent management off the ground

Annual performance reviews are an excellent way to kickstart your talent management efforts. This straightforward and direct practice will help you show employees how their performance is measured and give them a means to shape their performance to reach their full potential.

Through annual reviews, you can set performance goals with employees and provide them with the necessary tools to achieve them.

Annual evaluations are not difficult to implement, but they can be challenging to get right.