21 June 2022

How Exxelia anticipates the future by digitizing its industrial know-how

Managing industrial know-how was a key issue for Exxelia and its partners!

Our factories have talent! Exxelia, the specialists in passive electronic components.

About Exxelia

Founded in 2009, the Exxelia Group manufactures electronic components with a reputation for being foolproof. Recognised for its ability to meet complex technical specifications, the company works with many leading industrial players, particularly in the aeronautics and aerospace sectors. Exxelia can also boast of having equipped Perseverance, the NASA robot that landed on Mars in 2018. And that's just the beginning!

How Exxelia anticipates the future by digitizing its industrial know-how


The Exxelia Group currently has 12 manufacturing plants around the world, including in the USA, Vietnam, Morocco and France.

Over the years, the group has carried out takeovers, which has led to a diversification of the processes implemented by each of the sites. Today, the desire is to homogenise the working methods of the various factories in order to have a better vision of the whole group.

How Exxelia anticipates the future by digitizing its industrial know-how
The various companies that make up the Exxelia group today (credit: exxelia.com)

Challenges related to the complexity and quality of the products

The need for process standardisation at Exxelia is the result of many factors.

Product complexity

Products such as capacitors, filters, slip rings, wound magnetic components and precision mechanical parts are mainly used in power electronics, energy production and storage, filtering and signal processing. These products must meet stringent customer requirements, and call for extremely high levels of industrial know-how. This industrial know-how used to be in the heads of operators on paper, or at best in a Word document on a drive.

Quality standards

Exxelia works for leading industrial sectors such as aviation, defence, space, medical, rail, energy and telecommunications.

There is no room for error in these sectors, not to mention the 3 certifications obtained by the group: ISO9001, ISI9100 and AS9100. These certifications give rise to complex audits that must be answered quickly. This monitoring of regulations has always been done on Excel and took / takes administrative time for the teams!

Mercateam's mission

Exxelia chose Mercateam to help them meet these challenges.
The main objective in mind: map industrial know-how with managers, monitor it, add value to it and standardize it.

For this purpose, we have defined the following sub-objectives:

  1. Digitalising skills and authorisations on Mercateam
  2. Digitalising training processes
  3. Digitalising the monitoring of authorisations
  4. Meet SO9001, ISI9100 and AS9100
  5. Create and implement a management chart to anticipate resource needs (e.g. loss of critical skills) and to be able to put actions in place: training plan, multi-skilling objective, etc.

The teams involved

We worked with the Exxelia teams, and more particularly with :

  • Production managers
  • Managers
  • HR
  • The IT manager
  • The QHSE Manager

The actions carried out

Dozens of Excels and word documents were removed and training was centralised on one tool.

The complete mapping of Exxelia's skills and authorisations has been digitised, standardised and made accessible in a few clicks.

Team leaders can easily communicate and feed back data to human resources.

Training processes have been digitised on sites to enable teams to develop their skills more quickly

"Mercateam allows us to simply manage the different skill levels of our operators, and to master the know-how."

Franck Echaud, Production Manager

Benefits for the teams

Managers can follow the careers of their employees, promote them and share the group's objectives.

Production and support managers can anticipate training needs, increase mobility and respond to audits with just a few clicks.

Human resources can now have a macro vision of skills and work on tomorrow's needs thanks to data feedback from managers. Example: loss of industrial know-how due to retirements or changes in professions.

Once the resources and needs have been put forward to the decision-makers, actions can be put in place and sent directly down to the field. E.g.: a training plan or setting versatility objectives for a position.

Site managers have the assurance that knowledge is secure and on one tool. Thus the site is agile and assured of continued production.

"As a quality manager, Mercateam allows me to ensure that we manage the skills of our teams, their level, as well as training and authorisations. We also make sure we have people who can pass on knowledge to new starters."

Thierry Roussel, Quality Manager

Result: a 360° view of skills and training needs

The implementation of Mercateam benefits the entire value chain:

  • Team leaders can easily share their information with the HR team. They can also closely monitor the career of each operator, and enhance it.
  • Teams can now upgrade their skills more quickly thanks to the digitalisation of training courses.
  • Production and support managers can anticipate training needs, increase mobility and respond to audits in a few clicks.
  • Human resources can now have a macro view of skills and anticipate future needs thanks to the sharing of data by managers.
  • Site managers have the assurance that the know-how is secure and on one tool, guaranteeing the agility of the teams.

The perpetuation of know-how gained through experience is a fundamental issue within Exxelia, due to the development of our production capacity. We have put in place a policy based on the transmission of know-how [...] supported by the Mercateam tool

Laïla Bouchebaba, Human Resources Manager

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