Mercateam will be exhibiting at CFIA (Rennes, March 4-6) and Global Industrie (Lyon, March 11-14).

Anticipating the new UIMM job classification

Implementing a new job classification can be a complex task. The aim today is not to know why, or what it's all about, but how to implement the new UIMM job classification before January 1. The purpose of this guide is to walk you through the various stages, so as to facilitate this transition. It's a crucial operation for adapting to changes in the world of work and remaining compliant with regulatory standards. So, how do you successfully implement this new job classification? Follow these five key steps.

Step 1: Gather and classify your existing job cards

To successfully implement the new UIMM job classification, the first step is to take stock of all existing job descriptions within your organization, whether for managerial or non-managerial staff. This data can be grouped either in job descriptions or in position descriptions. This first step provides a solid basis that can be developed in subsequent stages.

Once you've collected your job cards, you'll need to organize them according to the current state of your organization and the different departments that make it up. The aim is to ensure that there are no overlaps between the job descriptions of your various entities, so as to facilitate the application of the new UIMM job classification.

You can read our detailed blog post on the new UIMM job classification by clicking here. here.

Step 2: Choose a perimeter and start small

In view of the size of the project, there's no need to tackle everything at once! The aim of this stage is to choose a limited perimeter on which to start your project. In startup jargon, we call this a POC (Proof Of Concept). It's obviously not compulsory, but it does allow you to validate that your methodology is the right one before applying it to your entire organization.

Step 3: Write your job descriptions

If you've kept the information in your files up to date, the exercise is "simple". You can start from your existing information and adapt it to the requirements of the new Collective Bargaining Agreement.

For the others, this is the best time to sit down and draw up your job descriptions for the new UIMM classification.

We advise you to standardize the format of your files: this will make it easier for you to classify your jobs in the next step.

In any case, it's important to discuss this exercise with all the parties involved, from the HR department to your organization's managers and your CSE representatives.

How can Mercateam help me at this stage?

In Mercateam you can create your job cards in just a few clicks and attach them to your employees. When you create your job cards, our artificial intelligence allows you to pre-fill them based on their title alone. Our system analyzes the environment of your platform to automatically draft content that is consistent with your activities. Mercateam will also attach to your files the technical skills and authorizations of your existing library, as well as the standard skills of the ESCO repository, to help you find bridges between your different jobs.

Step 4: Rate your jobs

Once you've drawn up your job descriptions, you'll need to quote them for the new UIMM job classification. To do this, you'll need to draw on the UIMM's grading reference system, which defines 10 grading levels based on 6 criteria.

Each line of your job cards must be designed with this rating in mind, to justify the correct classification of your jobs. This exercise is essential, as it will enable you to justify the job rating for each of your employees in the 5th and final step.

Before deploying your quotations, remember to check the overall consistency of your analysis and correct any discrepancies.

How can Mercateam help me at this stage?

You have two options:

1- You have already made your quotation in an ancillary system

If you have already made your quotation outside of Mercateam, you'll be able to transfer your quotation directly to our platform.

2- You haven't made your quotation yet

In MercateamIn this section, you'll be able to enter the degree of each UIMM characteristic (complexity of the activity / knowledge / autonomy / contribution / supervision and cooperation / communication). At the end of the exercise, our system will give you the total score, the rating range and the job group. For example, if, at the end of the exercise, your form has a score of 38, our system will assign it the corresponding F11 rating.

In both cases, Mercateam offers you a powerful analysis tool to compare the number of managers and non-managers in your organization, in relation to the number of job cards or the number of employees, to visualize the breakdown of your non-managerial population (rated from A to E) and your managerial population (rated from F to I). You can also extend your analysis by cross-referencing criteria such as employee age groups, job groups and many other parameters.

Step 5: Tell your employees about your new UIMM ranking

The hardest part is now behind you!

Once your job cards have been drawn up and marked, you'll need to communicate them to your main stakeholders - your employees. Each employee's job card must be communicated to him or her, by whatever means necessary. A simple solution is to send it by post, or during a formal discussion such as an individual interview (which you can hold in Mercateam by the way).

Please note that your employee can ask to see the details of his or her job classification within a month of being notified. You then have a further month in which to reply and send him/her the analysis of the six criteria used to rate his/her job.

How can Mercateam help me at this stage?

In their personal space Mercateamyour employees can find their associated job at any time, as well as the details of their quotation, if it was made in Mercateam.

For more information on the new UIMM job classification, you can find the full collective agreement here. by clicking here !


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