Mercateam will be exhibiting at CFIA (Rennes, March 4-6) and Global Industrie (Lyon, March 11-14).

Digitization and time-saving team management

Unither Pharmaceuticals digitalizes plant team managementย 

"Unither has eliminated complex Excel files, simplifying planning and enabling real-time updating on a single collaborative platform."
Competency matrix, Assignment planning
Adrien Carlu
Information systems project manager

In a nutshell

Digital planning

Mercateam has replaced complex Excel spreadsheets with a digital schedule accessible in real time on touch screens.

Improved activity monitoring

Activities are better broken down, offering precise tracking of costs and times, with an optimized history.

Optimized skills management

Closer monitoring of teams and compliance with standard teams for better skills management.

Simplified organization of temporary workers

Data governance and a single point of entry ensure standardized temporary worker management.

Complex Excel files and lack of traceability of skills and assignments

Unither Pharmaceuticals, world leader in Blow-Fill-Seal technology, wanted to modernize and digitize the management of its plant teams to solve a number of problems.

Before Mercateam's intervention, the organization was based on complex Excel files, limited to one user at a time, with numerous macros and filters. Each modification, such as an unforeseen absence, required the schedule to be reprinted, which wasted time and led to communication errors.

The main challenges for Unither Pharmaceuticals :

  • Planning These include: reducing the use of multiple Excel files, digitizing the schedule display and centralizing information.
  • Activity monitoring The new system allows you to: break down activities for more precise monitoring of production costs, and keep a history of teams and contracts.
  • Skills management Skills management: ensure territorial management of skills (linked to production lines) and monitor key indicators, such as compliance with "typical teams".
  • Organization of temporary workers Maintain a coherent organization, while defining clear governance for data and its updating.

Why Unither Pharmaceuticals chose Mercateam to digitalize the management of their operational teams

Unither Pharmaceuticals chose Mercateam to simplify and digitalize its planning and team management processes. The tool met the company's specific needs thanks to :

  • Centralized digitalization The new solution will replace Excel files with a single solution, with real-time display in the workshops via touch screens.
  • Closer collaboration Multiple users can now access and modify the schedule simultaneously, making operations faster and smoother.
  • Precise data management Mercateam offers structured data governance, with clear processes and a single point of entry to ensure consistency of information.
  • Skills tracking The tool enables detailed monitoring of territorial skills, operational continuity indicators, and facilitates the management of "typical teams".

How Mercateam simplifies operator management at Unither Pharmaceuticals

Planning optimization :

  • 50 % reduction in the number of Excel files used for planning.
  • Real-time schedule updates, visible directly in the factory via touch screens.
  • Removal of complex macros and filters, making the system simpler and more reliable.
  • No more schedule reprints after each modification, eliminating communication errors.

Best activity monitoring :

  • Breakdown of activities into three sub-categories by item, enabling more precise cost tracking.
  • Detailed history of teams and contracts, facilitating time management and optimizing resources.

Skills management optimized :

  • Monitoring of the indicator "respect for standard teams" to guarantee territoriality of skills.
  • Implementation of specific KPIs to measure and improve teams' operational continuity.

Better organization for temporary workers :

  • Maintain a structured organization, with clear data governance (definition of roles, processes and tools).
  • Standardized data updating thanks to a single "owner" site and a single entry point.

Significant time savings :

  • Team managers save precious time thanks to simplified organization and centralized data.

Mercateam has transformed team management at Unither Pharmaceuticals. Thanks to effective digitalization, the company now benefits from more responsive planning, optimized monitoring of costs and skills, and better organization of temporary staff. These improvements have enabled Unither Pharmaceuticals to boost its operational performance, while gaining in efficiency and flexibility.

Don't miss our webinar on digitalizing production team and skills management with Unither Pharma. Click here to view it.

Also, check out our podcast episode, where we welcome our ambassador, Adrien CarluInformation System Studies and Projects Manager. Click here to listen.

The results


schedules updated in real time

and visible on touch screens in production.

activity monitoring

More accurate cost and time tracking.


the number of Excel files used for planning

Read other customer testimonials

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and organization now.

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