December 19, 2022

Competency framework: everything you need to know in 5 minutes!

What is a trade repository?

A job repository is a tool used to define the various jobs that exist in an organization or in a particular sector of activity. It is generally used to classify jobs according to their area of expertise, level of responsibility or level of qualification. It can also include information on the skills required for each job, the qualifications and certifications needed, and career development prospects. In general, the job repository is used as a human resources management tool to help employers recruit and train staff, set salaries and benefits, and plan employees' careers.

What is a skills repository?

A skills repository is a tool used to define the professional skills required for a particular trade or field of activity. The skills repository can include different types of skills, such as technical skills, behavioral skills or transversal skills. It can also include information on the levels of mastery required for each skill, as well as concrete examples of work situations in which these skills would be used. The skills repository is often used as a human resources management tool to help employers assess the skills of their staff and plan their training and professional development.

What is the difference between a job reference framework and a skills reference framework?

A trade repository is a document that describes the various professions existing in an organization or business sector. It can include information on the responsibilities, skills and qualities required for each job. A skills repositoryon the other hand, is a document describing the skills required to perform a particular job or task. It may include information on the knowledge, skills and attitudes required for each competency. In general, a skills repository is more specific than a job repository, as it focuses on the individual skills needed to perform a job, rather than on jobs as a whole.

What are the steps to follow in order to build a reference framework of professions and competencies?

Here are the steps you could follow to build your trade and competency framework:

Identify the professions and skills that are relevant to your organization. This can be done using tools such as job and skills analyses, employee surveys, one-on-one interviews with HR managers and industry professionals.

Determine the criteria for assessing skills, such as academic qualifications, professional certifications, work experiences, and specific skills required for each job..

Establish categories for jobs and skills, using classification schemes such as occupational classification codes, skill scales, or industrial competency frameworks..

Write detailed job descriptions and skills lists for each trade and skill level, using reliable sources such as occupational standards, training manuals and industry publications.Use reliable sources such as occupational standards, training manuals and industry publications.

Implement a skill management system to store and manage repository datausing tools such as databases, competency management software or online platforms.

Conduct periodic assessments to ensure that the data in the repository is current and reflects the skill needs of your organization.

Communicate and share repository information with employees, human resources managers and other stakeholders, using tools such as intranets, newsletters and work meetings.

How to associate a skills repository with production positions?

To associate a competency framework with production positions, you can follow these steps:

Identify the specific skills required for each production positionIdentify the specific skills required for each production position, using tools such as job and skills analyses, interviews with employees and production managers, and industry professional standards.

Check that the skills required for each position are included in your organization's skills repository.. If they are not, add them to the repository by writing detailed descriptions and defining assessment criteria for each skill.

Match the competencies required for each position with the competencies included in the repository. This can be done using tools such as mapping tables or skills management software.

Set up a system to monitor and evaluate employees' skills in relation to the production positions to which they are assigned.. This can be done using tools such as skills assessment forms, skills tests or appraisal interviews.

Communicate the skills required for each position to employees and production managers, using tools such as job cards, training manuals and work meetings.

Take into account the results of competency assessments when planning staff assignments and employee training, to ensure that each position is filled by a competent employee.

Carry out periodic assessments to check that the skills required for each production position remain relevant and reflect the organization's skill needs. Modify the skills repository accordingly.

What are the advantages of defining a business and skills repository for a company?

A job and skills repository can offer many benefits to a company, including:

Improve human resources planning by providing a clear, detailed overview of the professions and skills required by the organization.

Facilitate recruitment and employee development byby identifying the key competencies required for each job and enabling candidates and employees to understand competency expectations.

Strengthen performance management by defining clear evaluation criteria for each job and skill, enabling objective assessment of employee performance and the implementation of targeted training plans.

Promote equity by identifying the skills that are crucial for each professionThis helps to avoid prejudice and discrimination in recruitment and human resources management.

Reduce costs by by avoiding recruitment errors, identifying training needs and effectively managing employee skills.

Improving quality and efficiency by ensuring that each position is filled by a competent employee, and that employees have the skills they need to carry out their tasks effectively.

Increase flexibility by enabling the organization to adapt rapidly to technological, economic and social change by identifying the skills it needs to succeed in a constantly changing environment.

What are the productivity gains associated with setting up a skills and professions repository?

Implementing a skills and competencies repository can lead to productivity gains for a company in a number of ways:

By enabling the recruitment of competent candidates for each position, which can reduce errors and delays related to inadequate employees

By providing clear evaluation criteria for each trade and skillThis can improve performance management and motivate employees to achieve high quality and efficiency targets.

By identifying the skills the organization needs to succeed in a constantly in a constantly evolving environment, enabling it to adapt rapidly to technological, economic and social change.

By providing targeted training opportunities to employeeswhich can help them develop skills that increase their productivity and employability.

By facilitating employee skills managementThis can help optimize the use of company resources and improve collaboration between different departments and teams.

By creating a competency-based cultureThis can boost employee motivation and commitment, improve talent retention, and enhance the organization's reputation with candidates and customers.