SEB Group digitalizes skills management and employee planning

Presentation of the company

World reference in small domestic equipmentGroupe SEB is present in nearly 150 countries with a unique portfolio of over 30 brands, including Calor, Tefal, Seb and Moulinex.

Since its creation, the company has revolutionised the daily lives of millions of consumers with its innovative products. In addition, the group has been committed for several years to a proactive Open Innovation strategy, of which it is a recognised player.

skills management Groupe SEB
1962 - SEB enters the small electrical appliance market with the launch of its very first electric coffee maker (credit

Background of the SEB Group

Groupe SEB is constantly reinventing itself. Whether in its productivity methods, or in dematerialization and digitalization, the emergence of new working methods is disrupting the daily lives of our teams. These changes are driving a need for agility and versatility on the part of employees. Skills management is a key factor in this need for agility.

"To face the next challenges of our industry, we must anticipate and know how to adapt. In other words, be agile!"

Thierry de La Tour d'Artaise, CEO

Strong digitalization challenges for the SEB Group

In order to cope with a context where employability in the industry is particularly tight, the group has set itself two main objectives:

  1. Improve productivity on site by saving time for field teams:
  2. Increase the versatility of employees at the Tournus and Rumilly sites:

The achievement of these objectives should make it possible to respond to the following issues:

  • Reduce the administrative burden on employees
  • Combating absenteeism
  • Raise the competence of employees
  • Allocate staff according to immediate job requirements
  • To have a common standard for all Groupe SEB industrial sites
  • Better anticipate training needs

Mercateam's mission

To support the strategic objectives presented above, we have accompanied the SEB Group on :

✔️ Implementation of the Mercateam tool to :
- Digitize 100% of skills and authorizations in the field
- Carry out semi-automated scheduling of employees on 100% of the site

✔️ Support for organizational changes related to the digitalization of processes.

"When the project was presented, the Mercateam teams announced that it would be deployed in a month and a half, which made me smile. However, a month and a half later, the teams were actually working in the new tool. This is a point that really impressed me."

Guillaume Hanoteau, Production Manager


Process harmonization :

✔️ Implementation of a common reference system within and between SEB Group sites:
- Harmonization of skills and versatility monitoring
- Harmonization of all skills and authorizations reference systems at the Tournus and Rumilly sites.

Time saving

✔️ 30% time saving on the management of schedules per week

✔️ 35 Excel, Word and PowerPoint files replaced by Mercateam

✔️ Full digitalization of 5 processes

Skills management

✔️Multi-skills matrix 100% digitized (569 skills assigned to 166 employees)

✔️ Strategic workforce planning now approached in an optimal way thanks to centralized and homogenized information

✔️ Better anticipation of training and deadlines

✔️ 13 courses launched

✔️ Simplified training workflow (real-time follow-up, traceability)

What the SEB Group teams think

"Mercateam's deployment on the site has brought a number of benefits. The first is the securing of the hierarchical chain in terms of versatility [...]. The second gain relates to the use of local managers' time [...]. They can be redeployed to support and develop team skills."

Guillaume Hanoteau, Production Manager

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