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Factory resource allocation: from Excel to automated planning

11 minutes


7:30 on a Monday morning. A team leader receives a text message: two operators are absent for the day. The production line assignment schedule had to be revised quickly. Excel spreadsheets are opened in a hurry, skills matrices consulted, potential replacements contacted. It's a scenario that's repeated daily in factories.

In the modern manufacturing industry, allocating human resources has become a real headache for production managers. Every day, they have to ensure that all critical positions are filled by people with the necessary skills and authorizations, while juggling absences, vacations, training and variations in production workload.

Traditional methods of resource allocation are now showing their limits. Multiple Excel spreadsheets, paper-based planning, blackboard postings, knowledge retained "off the top of my head" by a few key people... These practices, still widely used, generate inefficiencies, risks of error and a considerable mental burden for management teams.

Faced with these challenges, the digital transformation of resource allocation is a strategic necessity. Intelligent automation of allocation planning, linked to dynamic skills management, is revolutionizing this critical production function.

1. Allocating plant resources: current situation and challenges

The growing complexity of managing production teams

Today's industrial environment is characterized by increased flexibility. Production runs are shorter, production changes more frequent, and customers are demanding greater responsiveness. These developments are profoundly transforming the need forresource allocation.

Production teams need to be more and more flexible. versatile. An operator may be required to work on several different shifts in the course of a single week, or even a single day. While this versatility is necessary, it makes scheduling significantly more difficult.

Visit production managers also have to deal with a diversification of employee statuses: permanent contracts, fixed-term contracts, tempsEach category has its own specificities in terms of contracts, working hours and available skills.

Risks associated with poor resource allocation (safety, quality, productivity)

The consequences of inadequate resource allocation can be serious. First and foremost, employee safety can be compromised. Assigning an operator to a position for which he or she does not have the required clearance (working at heights, electrical clearance, driving machinery, etc.) not only exposes the company to the risk of accidents, but also to penalties in the event of an inspection.

Production quality is also directly impacted. An operator who is insufficiently trained or experienced on a specific job will be more likely to make mistakes, generating non-conformities, rejects and potentially customer returns.

In terms of productivity, poor resource allocation translates into efficiency losses. A position requiring a high level of expertise filled by a beginner will lead to slowdowns. Conversely, mobilizing an expert for a basic position represents an under-utilization of available skills.

The overall balance of production lines can also be disrupted by inadequate skill allocation, creating bottlenecks that reduce overall plant performance.

The considerable amount of time spent manually managing schedules

The day-to-day reality of production managers is marked by a considerable amount of time devoted to planning and resource allocation. As a production manager in the food industry explains: "Before automation, I spent between 15 and 20 hours a week managing schedules. It was practically a full-time job!

This time is divided between :

  • Creation of weekly or daily schedules
  • Adjustments for unforeseen absences
  • Verification of skills and authorizations
  • Communicating changes to teams
  • Managing assignment conflicts

This excessive administrative workload diverts managers from their higher value-added missions: improving processes, supporting teams, solving technical problems or developing employee skills.

The limits of Excel: errors, lack of visibility, difficult communication

The majority of industrial sites still manage their schedules using Excel files, which are sometimes highly sophisticated but fundamentally limited. These tools have several major drawbacks:

  • High risk of errors There are many sources of error: manual manipulations, careless copying and pasting, complex formulas that are not properly mastered...
  • Lack of real-time updates When an Excel file is shared between several users, synchronizing information becomes a problem.
  • No automatic alert There is no automatic warning that an operator does not have the skills required for a position, or that one of his or her authorizations has expired.
  • Lack of traceability It's difficult to keep a complete history of actual assignments, which is crucial in the event of an audit or quality incident.
  • Ineffective communication Printed and posted schedules can quickly become obsolete when changes are made. Last-minute changes are difficult to communicate effectively to all concerned.
  • Limited access to information Not all the players involved (production, HR, maintenance, quality) necessarily have access to the same up-to-date data.

resource allocation

3. Digitizing resource allocation: a strategic necessity

Digitizing resource allocation is not simply a change of tool, but a genuine transformation of team management processes. This evolution responds to a fundamental need: to move from a reactive and time-consuming approach to a proactive and strategic one.

Planning automation: principles and operation

Automated assignment planning is based on algorithms capable of simultaneously analyzing hundreds of parameters to propose the best possible allocation of human resources. These digital solutions are distinguished by their ability to :

  • Generate optimized schedules in seconds, where hours used to be needed manually
  • Take into account all business rules specific to each production site
  • Propose several resource allocation scenarios based on defined priorities
  • Adapt in real time to changing situations

In concrete terms, the production manager first defines the positions to be filled according to the forecast workload. The system then automatically analyzes the profiles of the available operators and proposes optimal assignments according to configurable criteria: skill level required, team versatility, fairness of assignments, etc.

Integrating skills into the resource allocation process

The central element that distinguishes automated scheduling from a simple planning tool is the integration of skills and authorizations into the decision-making process. The system is based on a digitized skills matrix which :

  • List all the technical skills required for each position
  • Records each operator's level of mastery (beginner, autonomous, expert)
  • Identify required regulatory authorizations (safety, quality, environment)
  • Tracks expiration dates of certifications and training courses
  • Identifies critical skills

This dynamic matrix is the essential foundation for intelligent resource allocation. It guarantees that an operator will never be assigned to a job for which he or she does not have the required skills or authorizations.

Automatically take into account constraints (absences, shifts, authorizations)

One of the major advantages of digital resource allocation solutions lies in their ability to simultaneously integrate multiple constraints that would be impossible to optimally manage manually:

  • Planned or unplanned absences leave, training and sick leave are automatically taken into account
  • Shifts and work rhythms compliance with specific schedules and mandatory rest periods between shifts
  • Regulatory approvals automatic verification of required certifications and their validity
  • Medical restrictions : taking into account contraindications for certain positions
  • Rules of fairness balanced distribution of difficult or strenuous tasks
  • Versatility objectives : planned rotation to develop skills

An algorithm can process these parameters simultaneously and propose a resource allocation that respects all constraints, whereas the manual approach often leads to hazardous compromises.

Real-time visualization for all players

Another major advantage of digitalization is that all stakeholders can view the assignment schedule in real time. Modern solutions enable :

  • Display screens in the workshops, accessible to all operators
  • Consultation via tablet or smartphone for mobile teams
  • Interfaces tailored to the specific needs of each user (production, HR, maintenance)
  • Instant updates visible to all stakeholders

This transparency of information breaks down traditional silos and makes communication much more fluid.

4. Concrete benefits of the transition to automated planning

Quantifiable time savings for managers and supervisors

The first, immediately perceptible advantage is the considerable time saved by management teams. Feedback from industrial sites speaks for itself:

  • For Shiseido: 13 Excels eliminated = 4 hours gained per week for division managers.
  • For Groupe SEB: 30% time saved on weekly schedule management.

This precious time can be reinvested in higher value-added missions: supporting teams, solving technical problems, continuous process improvement.

Reduce assignment errors and improve safety

By eliminating inappropriate assignments, digital solutions contribute directly to improving safety and quality:

  • Drastically reduce the risk of assigning an unqualified operator to a critical position
  • Eliminate oversights in regulatory clearance checks
  • Preventing incompatible assignments with medical restrictions
  • Automatic alerts for impending qualification expiry

These improvements are reflected in concrete indicators:

  • Fewer quality incidents due to human error
  • Reduce non-compliance during audits
  • Lower accident rates at certain sites

Greater responsiveness to unforeseen production events

Digital resource allocation tools are transforming contingency management:

  • In the event of a last-minute absence, the system instantly identifies potential replacements based on their skill level
  • In the event of an urgent production change, teams can be reassigned in a matter of minutes.
  • In the event of an unforeseen peak in activity, available and qualified resources can be identified immediately

Optimizing the use of internal resources

The global vision offered by digital solutions enables a more strategic allocation of resources:

  • Better use of rare or critical skills
  • Balanced distribution of tasks between teams
  • Reducing the use of overtime and temporary workers
  • Planned development of operator versatility

Audit trail and traceability

One of the major advantages of digital solutions is their ability to keep a complete history of actual assignments:

  • Complete traceability of who worked on which shift, at what time
  • Retention of proof of skills and authorizations to date
  • Ability to demonstrate assignment compliance in the event of an audit

5. Transformation testimonials and feedback

Examples of gains made by industrial sites

Feedback from companies that have digitized their resource allocation reveals significant and measurable gains:

At LVMH Fragrance Brands, the deployment of an automated assignment schedule has generated an annual time saving of around a quarter of an FTE. This corresponds to the time previously lost in production for reassigning and adjusting the workforce on a 7-hour working day.

The SEB Group reports a reduction of 30% in weekly schedule management time and the elimination of 35 Excel, Word and PowerPoint files, replaced by a centralized system. This transformation has enabled local managers to refocus on supporting and developing the skills of their teams.

At Shiseido, digitalization has enabled us to eliminate 13 Excels = 4 hours saved per week for division managers. Indicators also show an improvement in the versatility rate of teams = +34% thanks to better visibility of skills.

Impact on day-to-day management teams

The transformation of resource allocation is profoundly changing the day-to-day life of management teams.

At Richemont, digitalization has made it possible to structure and rationalize information for field teams, as well as to control industrial know-how and anticipate business risks, thanks to notifications of expired authorizations up to 3 months in advance.

Simplifying audits is another major benefit. At LISI Aerospace, the time taken for training audits has been considerably reduced, and teams now have access to dozens of digitized documents that are just a click away in the field.

For Sagemcom, the transformation has led to a situation where, according to the plant manager: "We've put an end to Excel to manage our teams, and for the first time we have data to drive the organization."

Improved performance indicators thanks to optimized resource allocation

As well as saving time, digitizing resource allocation has a positive impact on several key performance indicators.

When it comes to versatility, LISI Aerospace saw its plant versatility rate increase by 20%.

Quality and safety are also improving. LVMH Fragrance Brands reports that to date, there have been no Mercateam-related line stoppages (i.e. due to unanticipated staff absences).

When it comes to managing critical skills, Exxelia emphasizes that digitalization makes it possible to keep a close eye on each operator's career, and to enhance it, while enabling teams to upgrade their skills more quickly thanks to the digitalization of training paths.

Resource allocation as a strategic lever for industrial performance

More than just an operational tool, digitalized resource allocation is becoming a real strategic lever for industrial companies:

It contributes directly to economic performance by optimizing the use of available resources and reducing the hidden costs of misallocation.

It supports the skills development strategy by providing unprecedented visibility on the strengths and weaknesses of the company's human capital.

It enhances operational resilience in the face of hazards, enabling rapid and effective response to disruptions.

It fosters a culture of data and fact-based decision-making, replacing empirical approaches with analyses based on objective, up-to-date information.

As the experience of numerous industrial sites has shown, moving from Excel to automated planning is not a simple change of tool, but a real transformation which has a positive impact on the whole organization. This revolution in resource allocation is no longer an option, but a necessity for companies wishing to maintain their competitiveness in an increasingly demanding and complex industrial environment.


Digitizing resource allocation is radically transforming the management of industrial teams. By replacing Excel files with a centralized system, companies are seeing significant gains: time freed up for managers, enhanced security, greater reactivity to unforeseen events and improved traceability for audits.

In an environment demanding flexibility and compliance, this evolution is becoming a strategic performance lever. Feedback confirms that this revolution is no longer optional, but essential to maintaining industrial competitiveness.


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