Prevention Passport: What you need to know

All workers are exposed to occupational hazards, regardless of their sector of activity. In order to minimize risks, companies are required to put in place adequate means of protection, to inform their workforce about the risks, and also to train them. In this context, this passport is a new tool designed to facilitate the sharing and tracking of the various certificates of aptitude, authorizations and training of employees in relation to health and safety at work (with Mercateam, you have real-time information on the skills, authorizations and restrictions of all your employees).
What exactly is involved? Is it mandatory? 

We answer your questions on the subject.

What is the prevention passport?

The prevention passport is a new tool designed to prevent occupational risks for workers. It has been designed to facilitate the transmission of professional documents relating to health and safety at work (certificates of aptitude, diplomas, authorizations, training, etc.).
More concretely, it is an individual digital safe into which employees and employers will be able to import and consult the various documents mentioned above. Available from April 2023, it will be accessible via the Mon Compte Formation portal.

Who is the Prevention Passport for?

The prevention passport can be used by three categories of people. First, active workers and job seekers. They will be able to activate it from their training account and add to it throughout their professional career in order to enhance its value with their current and future employers. 

Employers also benefit from this tool. Employers have access to a dedicated interface, enabling them to centrally track all health and safety-related training for their workforce. This will enable them to improve the monitoring of the training courses concerned. 

Finally, training organizations will be able to record the new skills acquired by their learners in it. 

It should also be noted that this passport is not only deployed in France. In many other countries, its equivalent is the "safety passport". 

Who manages the prevention passport?

The prevention passport is managed by Caisse des Dépôts on behalf of the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Integration.

Prevention passport: what the law says

Law No. 2021-1018 of August 2, 2021 is the source of the prevention passport. Section L. 4141-5 states: 

"The employer shall enter in a prevention passport the certificates and diplomas obtained by the worker in the course of occupational health and safety training provided on his or her own initiative. Training organizations fill in the passport in the same way for the occupational health and safety training they provide. The employee can also enter these elements in the prevention passport when they are obtained at the end of training courses he or she has taken on his or her own initiative.

The employee may authorize the employer to consult all the data contained in the prevention passport, including data not entered by the employer, for the purposes of monitoring the employer's health and safety training obligations, subject to compliance with the conditions for processing personal data set out in article 4 of law no. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 on data processing, files and individual liberties.

 A jobseeker can open a prevention passport and record the attestations, certificates and diplomas obtained as part of the training he or she has undergone in the fields of health and safety at work.

When a worker or job-seeker has an orientation, training and skills passport, as provided for in the second paragraph of II of Article L. 6323-8 of the present code, his or her prevention passport is integrated into it. It is implemented and managed according to the same procedures."

Schedule for the implementation of the prevention passport

Concerning the deployment of the prevention passport within companies, here is what is planned by the Ministry of Labour: 

02.08.2021: It is enshrined in the Labour Code 

08.2022: a decree clarifies the modalities of the latter + opening of the public portal 

04.2023: It will open to workers

By 2023: ll will be open to employers

By 2024: Employers will be able to consult it


Is the prevention passport mandatory?

As a reminder, workplace safety training is a legal obligation. Indeed, the employer is required to offer mandatory training courses, such as fire safety, the use of certain equipment or machines, etc. In addition, companies must set up a prevention plan to assess the risks to which their employees are exposed, and to define an action plan to be implemented. 

By the same token, and since it is now enshrined in the French Labor Code, this is a tool that concerns all companies.

In summary

The prevention passport is a digital safe available from the My Training Account portal. It allows employees, employers and training organizations to enter certifications and other documents related to health and safety at work. The objective is to enable employers to better prevent occupational risks, and employees to enhance their skills with their employers.


Portal of the Ministry of Labour

Passport to Prevention Information Portal