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Tips for mastering the annual performance review

The annual appraisal interview is a bit like a game of ping-pong: the more you exchange with your interviewer, the more points you're likely to score. are often perceived as a formality rather than a genuine tool for assessment and development. According to a study by Deloitte on HR trends in 2017, 95% of managers surveyed are not satisfied with the annual appraisal systemwhile between 60% and 70% of employees consider it a waste of time.

However, transforming these interviews by making them fun, relevant and focused on the skillsIt's possible to create a more enriching and rewarding experience for all concerned. So let's get started, it's time to rethink and reinvent job interviews to encourage exchange, motivation and progress for each employee.

Prepare yourself in advance: take stock and get ready to shine!

a. Define objectives and take stock of achievements :

Before your annual performance review, take a moment to reflect on your past and future goals. Make a list of your key achievements and the skills you've developed. This will give you a clear vision of where you've been and where you want to go. And remember, you're your own best advocate!

b. Value your successes and deal objectively with unachieved objectives:

At the annual performance review, be ready to highlight your successes and acquired skills. Show that you're proud of your achievements, without becoming complacent. As for unmet objectives, don't panic! Deal with them in a factual manner and explain what may have happened. The important thing is to learn from them and show your determination to progress.

c. Don't limit yourself to your profession:

Integrate what you've learned in terms of team cooperation, organization and cross-disciplinary skills: yes, your professional life isn't just about your job! During your annual performance review, don't hesitate to talk about your experience in teamwork, organization and project management. These cross-disciplinary skills are invaluable to your employer and can help you to develop your career. So get off the beaten track and show that you're a true Swiss Army knife of the professional world!

Good preparation in advance of your annual performance review is essential if you are to present yourself in the best possible light. So don't hesitate to give yourself a pat on the back (in moderation, of course!), be lucid about any difficulties you've encountered and highlight your cross-functional skills. That way, you'll be fully prepared to turn this interview into an opportunity for growth and success!

Adopt an open and constructive attitude during the annual performance review: be receptive and communicate!

a. Listen to your customer's comments and suggestions:

Don't forget that the professional interview is a time for exchange. So put on your listening ears and pay close attention to your superior's comments. Take note of his or her advice and see it as an opportunity for improvement. After all, who hasn't dreamed of having a GPS to navigate the twists and turns of their career?

b. Engage in exchange and discussion to establish a constructive dialogue :

The secret of a successful annual performance review? Fluid, sincere communication! Don't hesitate to ask questions, give your opinion or share your ideas. An annual performance review is a bit like a game of ping-pong: the more you exchange with your interviewer, the better your chances of scoring points.

c. Do not go into justification, but explain the objective reasons if the objective is not achieved:

If you haven't achieved certain objectives, don't worry! The most important thing is to explain objectively what happened, without resorting to justification. Adopt a constructive approach and show that you've understood the issues and areas for improvement. Remember: mistakes are the best teachers, as long as you learn from them!

In short, to shine at your professional interview, adopt an open and constructive attitude. Be a good listener, exchange ideas with the person you're talking to, and learn how to take advantage of feedback to grow professionally. In other words, turn your annual performance review into a real masterclass to boost your career!

Giving and asking for feedback: share, learn and move forward together!

a. Share your impressions of the positive aspects and areas for improvement:

During your annual performance review, don't hesitate to share your feelings on what's working well and what could be improved, whether in terms of your position, the team or the company as a whole. Your feedback can be a real goldmine for your interviewer, so don't hesitate to be a prospector of good ideas!

b. Solicit feedback from your interlocutor to better understand his or her point of view:

As the saying goes, "You can only see well with your heart". So, to better understand your superior's vision, ask for his or her opinion and advice on your work and your objectives. This will enable you to better understand his or her expectations and adapt accordingly. After all, the professional interview is also an opportunity to pick up tips on how to boost your career!

c. Use the feedback you receive to adjust your action plan and set new objectives:

Once the annual performance review is over, take time to analyze the feedback you've received. Use it to adjust your action plan, define new objectives and develop strategies to achieve them. In this way, you'll be able to turn feedback into a real engine for growth, and soar to new professional heights!

Ultimately, the art of feedback lies at the heart of a successful professional interview. So don't hesitate to give and ask for feedback, share your impressions and use the advice you receive to improve and progress. After all, the annual performance review is not an end in itself, but a springboard to new horizons!

Pitfalls to avoid at your annual appraisal interview: keep smiling and avoid the pitfalls!

a. Lack of preparation :

Not taking stock of your achievements and objectives beforehand. You know what they say: "Fortune favors the bold, but especially those who prepare themselves"! So don't forget to take detailed stock of your achievements and set your future objectives before the annual performance review. Think about your successes, your challenges and the new skills you've developed. In short, get ready as if you were about to go on stage to receive an Oscar!

b. Defensive attitude:

Systematically justifying rather than objectively explaining. Imagine your job interview as a game of pétanque: you don't want to be the one who just throws the ball without thinking, do you? Adopt a constructive attitude and explain objectively why an objective has not been achieved. Instead of constantly justifying yourself, show that you're ready to learn from your mistakes and move forward with a smile on your face!

c. Expecting too much from the annual performance review:

Don't bet everything on this one meeting as if you were betting on a horse in a race. To avoid disappointment, set up regular meetings with your manager throughout the year. This will enable you to monitor your progress and adjust your objectives on an ongoing basis. And who knows? Maybe you'll end up creating a real power duo with your superior, ready to take on any challenge together!

To avoid the pitfalls of your annual performance review, put the odds in your favor with good preparation, a constructive attitude and regular monitoring of your progress. Keep a smile on your face and turn your annual performance review into an opportunity for development and success. So put on your sneakers, warm up and run towards success!

5 mistakes to avoid in HR interviews: adopt a constructive and caring approach!

a. Setting unattainable goals:

When defining objectives, it's important to use the SMART method (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Time-bound) to ensure that they are appropriate and achievable. Over-ambitious objectives can discourage your staff and make them feel overwhelmed.

b. Be aggressive or condescending:

The annual performance review is a time for exchange and dialogue. Adopt a benevolent and positive attitude to encourage your employees to give their best. A respectful and encouraging attitude will foster a climate of trust and motivation.

c. Don't let your employee do the talking:

The annual performance review should be an exchange, not a monologue! Give your employees enough time and space to express themselves, their concerns and their ideas. Active listening is essential to understanding and responding to your employees' needs.

d. Not giving your employee the necessary means to prepare for the annual performance review in advance:

For the annual performance review to be a success, it's important that your employee prepares for it in advance. Provide them with all the information and resources they need to review the past year and plan for the future.

e. Not keeping track of your employees' progress throughout the year:

The professional interview should not be the only time when you assess your employees' performance. Make sure you put in place regular follow-up throughout the year to better support your employees in their projects and objectives.

By avoiding these mistakes during performance reviews, you'll foster a climate of trust and motivation within your team, while contributing to the development and success of your employees. Adopt a constructive and benevolent approach to make each individual annual appraisal an enriching moment of exchange and sharing.

Mercateam: Freshen up your job interviews

Discover Mercateam, the SaaS solution that boosts performance reviews. Thanks to its competency-based annual appraisal management module, say goodbye to boring appraisals with no link to real-life situations.

In the blink of an eye, create personalized, fun and relevant interviews, while automatically updating the skills matrix. In this way, your employees are motivated to progress and achieve the objectives set together.

With Mercateam, it's easy to set career development goals, track progress and celebrate success. And above all, share these moments with your employees in friendly, constructive discussions.

In short, Mercateam offers you an innovative solution to energize your professional interviews and boost talent management in your company. So, are you ready to embark on a new adventure?


Career interviews are key moments for employee development and fulfillment. By making them more user-friendly, relevant and focused on skills, you can encourage exchange, motivation and progress. In fact, according to Deloitte's study, 90% of companies that have reviewed their appraisal system have noted a better level of commitment among their employees. So don't hesitate to rethink your performance reviews to create a positive dynamic and contribute to your team's success!


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